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Monday 23 September 2013

There's no such thing as Blurred Lines - #SBBC

I am fully aware that this is not something I normally do but today's theme is a hot topic and there was only one thing that came to my mind from recent conversations with friends in regards to something controversial. Now I'm not directly relating to the song by Robin Thicke but the themes behind the song. Recently I was talking with a friend, who was heavily feminist and I turned to her and said that I wasn't really feminist, since there are so many crazy things that are associated with the title and there are some things I disagreed on with her. I said that the only things that really get my really peeved with society and the male gender is slut shaming and victim blaming. These two things in my mind are compromised by ignorance and arrogance. My views on these two issues become very clear after Robin Thicke's song went viral and it became the conversation with nearly the entire female population.

If you're unaware of what victim blaming is, it's when a girl is raped and instead of the perpetrator being persecuted, said girl is harassed and bullied for 'crying wolf' or 'being a tease' or just lying in general or jesting at the idea that 'she asked for it'. Stories like these make me sick to the gut, I would hate that if anything like that ever happened to one of my friends or family that instead of justice and emotional assistance, they were torn down even more. When it comes to the 'she asked for it' excuse, here's my response. Yes and No are polar opposites; it's either one or the other, there are no blurred lines. A girl isn't asking for it if she kisses a guy. She isn't asking for it if she's flirting. She's not asking for it by the clothes she wears. She's not asking it even if she does other sexual acts. Consent is continual. People are allowed to back out, people are allowed to stop if they're uncomfortable. I recently found this PSA from some women from India where the rape culture is horrendous and very scary and I thought I'd post it since it exemplifies how ignorant some people's line of thought is.

In regard to Slut Shaming, that's when a girl is discriminated against for dressing a certain way or performing certain sexual acts or even just flirting. This particular issue hits me a little too hard, I simply can't get my head around it. I mean i feel like we should be high-fiving our girlfriends when they get laid, not calling them horrible names and degrading them down to a object. Also, the ignorance that lies with this is that girls are allowed to do what they want (as long as they aint hurting anyone) just as much as boys are and should receive the same behavior from their peers. So it baffles me that girls are called sluts, skanks, whores for getting some while guys can sleep with numerous people and get called heroes. I feel like it's a huge injustice within society.

I'll cut it there since I didn't want to rant too much, although it's hard since I am passionately angered by the issue. I know a lot of people make blogs and videos about how bad this culture is and they just get lost in the crowd, and I feel that mine is just another one of those but hopefully something will change or gradually people as a whole will become less ignorant.

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