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Thursday 5 December 2013

The Christmas Tag - #Blogmas

Being apart of the #Bigblogmasproject is so much fun, and I absolutely love this time of year, and as well as attributing more posts to my blog, I get to see a whole range of new blogs and bloggers. From discovering and reading new blogs, I found the Christmas Tag and thought it was a brilliant idea for Blogmas. I found this tag over on Sarah's Blog and I think this tag is a wonderful idea for the Christmas season.

Now to get onto the questions.....

1. Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or synthetic? 
Since I've never had a real Christmas tree, I would have to say synthetic. Ever since I was a kid we've had the same year and we would spend the first week of summer holidays decoriating the tree and the house. The only drawback to the synthetic trees were the fall out of all the little fake leaves, which my mum detested cleaning up.

2. You're in a coffee shop, it's December, what do you pick?
Unfortunately my answer isn't very Christmassy, since I live in Australia and our summer is on during the holiday season. I would probably pick a iced mocha or a frappe, I do like to opt for some peppermint flavouring. 

3. What's your favourite colour scheme for decorating the tree?
I've never really had very much say in how we decorated our tree, I would get given specific ornaments to put on and that was about it. It ended up following a red and gold theme, with little bits of silver around it.

4. Giving or receiving?
I enjoy getting presents as much as the next person but by far, I love buying and giving presents. One of the main reasons why I love this season so much is that I can show the important people how much I care and I love putting in extra thought and personalizing my gifts.

5. To mince pie or not to?
My mum is a big lover of the fruit mince pie, and when the season comes around I will definitely nibble on a few. I wouldn't say they're my favourite Christmas treat though. 

6. What's your traditional Sunday Lunch?
Every year we've had our big Christmas dinner/lunch on Christmas Eve and it's been the same forever. Roast Pork, Honey Carrots, cauliflower and broccoli with white sauce,  roast potatoes, gravy and you can't forget the trifle or pavlova.

7. Christmas day fashion
This depends if I'm leaving the house for a family gathering or not. If I am, I get pretty dressed up and treat it like a semi-formal occasion, because why not ?!? If I'm staying home, it's normally a tank top and pj bottoms haha.

8. What's your favourite Christmas song?
I get really into Christmas music so it's near impossible for me to pick just one. I do like "All I want for Christmas is you" by Michael Buble and "Merry Christmas, Here's to many more" by Relient K, Their Christmas album is awesome :D

9. What's your favourite Christmas film?
When I was a kid a tradition started that my siblings and I would watch, I'll be home for Christmas, and although we don't keep to the tradition anymore, I loved that movie so much. Now that I'm a little older I would also add Love Actually into the mix of favourite Chrissy movies.

10. Open presents before or after lunch?
I don't even know why this is a question, it's been a tradition since I was a youngen to wake our parents up as early as godly possible and open our presents as soon as mum had made her coffee. So I would definitely have to say before lunch, before breakfast even :P

I tag EVERYONE who read this post, I would love to hear your answers :D
xoxo - Happy Holidays

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