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Monday 6 January 2014

OH MAH GLOB!!! 100 Followers + Giveaway

Hello Lovelies,

It feels like I was only writing my 50 follower post yesterday and here we are, at 100! You guys can't even imagine how big my smile was when I saw the number this morning. I'm so incredibly thankful for all of you, blogging has become such a major part of my life and now one of my favourite hobbies. In gratitude I've set up a small giveaway to you amazing people since you all mean so much to me. The prize includes a Stila Striking in South Beach Beach Girl Palette and a pair of Ardell Demi Wispies. I hope you guys like these prizes because to be honest I wish I was getting them, but I think you all deserve it more, for all the love and happiness you've sent forth my way.

The main reason of this post and giveaway is to say a huge thankyou to you all and thus one of the entries is to leave a blog post comment saying what you're most thankful for. I'd love to hear them all. I'm most thankful for my wonderful followers and my friends and family, so literally everyone I love.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Love you all xoxo


  1. thisi s a really awesome give away! sharing it to help!

  2. Congratulations! Is this a world wide give away, as I live in the UK but unsure where you're from? Thank you!
    Laura x

    1. Thanks for writing within the post that it's open internationally, that's a great help as I was unsure whether to enter or not!
      Laura x

  3. I am most thankful for being given a second chance to return to full time education.
    Laura x

  4. I was so excited when I hit 100 last week, and was going to write a post when I got a minute but now I'm at 170!! Grows so quickly! Well done xx

    Daisy x

  5. I'm most thankful for my mum :) xo


  6. I reached 100 followers recently and I am so thankful for it (not sure if its what im most thankful but I cant think right now!) this is such an awesome giveaway- thank you!
    congratulations :)
    katie xx

  7. This is a gorgeous giveaway, I would be ever so grateful for these prizes!! I think I'm most thankful for the life I am living and the opportunities I have been blessed with in the past, oh and of course every person in my life that has played a part :)
    Congratulations on 100 followers, you watch that get bigger soon :)

  8. My gorgeousness fiancé he is my rock

  9. my gorgeous family :)
    thanks for this amazing giveaway!
    Laura Azevedo xx
