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Thursday 28 November 2013

The #2014BloggerChallenge

Hello Lovelies,

I have some more exciting news, I'm going to be apart of the 2014 Blogger Challenge! Now I had to read a little while hearing about this challenge because initially I thought it meant to blog every single day of next year and ekkkk that's a scary challenge to try and live up to. This challenge is more of a new year's resolution that Gaby from Another Girly Blog created up and she explains the post and lists all the other amazing participants over here.

The general gist of is to write a blog post twice a month on different topics, which get emailed to the participants and go live on the 1st and 3rd weeks of each month. I really excited to expand my topic range and broaden my blog up. Also getting to check out the huge amount of other bloggers is so much fun. I working myself down the participant list and trying to follow everyone. I have a feeling that this challenge will be a wonderful way to find new bloggers and blogs.

Anyone can get involved, not just beauty bloggers! If you want to get involved is email Gaby ( your blog URL, email and name so she can add you to the list of participants. The sign up closes on the 9th of December, because that's when the first topic gets sent out.

Can't wait to get into the new year and see everyone else's posts! Are you going to get involved?

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