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Monday 3 February 2014

Miscellaneous Mondays - Her (2013)

Hello Lovelies,

Recently I've been thinking of starting a new series of posts that incorporates my love for pop culture and all things film, tv and music. Miscellaneous Mondays will do just that, I hope to do it every week but it might end up being an occasional thing since University is starting back soon, eep! 

I'm sure most of you have seen or at least heard about Her since it's been nominated for 5 Oscars (woah!) and has a pretty amazing cast. (Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson for starters)Before heading into this film I was a tad skeptical since it's themes were a tad strange. The film focuses around the life of Theodore, who is a lonely writer who spends his days writing lovely heartfelt letters for complete strangers. Through the film he develops a romantic relationship with a new operating system that is created around his personality and grows and develops as it learns more about the world through its user. His OS turns out to have the voice of a female, Scarlett Johansson none the less, and Theodore slowly falls in love with her and her love for the world and curiosity, and it helps him to discover happiness in life again after the separation with his wife.

I'm not quite sure about every one else who watched this film but initially I felt really uncomfortable about their relationship but as I kept watching I became less squirmy and became engrossed in their love. I have a feeling that this movie might be a metaphor for percieved strange relationships that exist in our society and how they should be accepted since it is the same love no matter what the casing. The characters were beautiful and I especially loved the OS, Samantha, since she was so amazing and kept gradually developing into this beautiful yet flawed AI (Artificial Intelligence). Theodore's character also develops and by the end of the film he has been on this amazing journey that really makes him evaluate his flaws and how to work with them so to have a life filled with happiness.

I'll avoid trying to spoil it for those who haven't seen it, since it's definitely worth a watch. 

What have you watched recently?

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