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Monday, 30 September 2013

This is it! The Last Day of #SBBC Reflections etc.

So yeah, we made it. It's the last day of September and I know that everyone's gonna say this, but woah did that month just fly by. It feels like only yesterday I was turning 18 and now we're heading into October. I've had so much fun doing this challenge and I've got to discover so many other lovely beauty bloggers. It's been just the best experience and I will be sure to another challenge in the coming months. As you all know I've been very persistent and consistent with getting all the posts done, except for Saturday 28th when I didn't do either of the posts. I still did a blog post that day but not one of the themed posts, purely because I couldn't think of anything to blog about on both topics.

Other than that I found it really easy and super duper fun to make the posts for this month, although I do have a confession. I do tend to post my blogs around the same time which is generally at night, but as you all know I recently turned 18 and with that comes the legal drinking age. With my young and energetic spirit and late nights, yes I must confess, some of my posts were created and posted drunkenly. OOOHH SHOCKER! NAH, it was all in good fun and when I sobered up the next morning and saw that everything looked fine, I just patted my back and got on with the day.

I particular enjoyed posting the blogs where I got to show you a little more of Kaitlyn (aka ME!) because i think it's great for you guys to get to know me a little better. On top of that, reading everyone else's posts. They were all so wonderful and it has been my favorite part of this challenge.

SBBC was great fun and I can't wait to do another 'challenge', if that's what you want to call it!

Sunday, 29 September 2013

My earliest makeup memories #SBBC

In the world of makeup, I'm technically a newbie. Recently I turned 18 and only used for the first time when I was fifteen and that was for my semi formal which it kinda deemed appropriate and necessary. When it comes to early makeup memories, they weren't too long ago. I remember before I bought makeup, I was kinda against it and thought it was masking natural beauty but my views have completely changed (obviously!) to see makeup as something that doesn't remove or mask natural beauty but enhances it. I remember how I got into makeup and it wasn't to hide my acne that was outta control but actually because of something a little worse. I was going to a school were I had no friends and everyone was really fake and to be honest I really just wanted to fit in and not feel like crap around all these people. One day I was in class and these two girls were talking to me because we were doing a group activity and since I was a smart ducky we finished it early we were just chatting. One of the girls turned to me and asked me if I was wearing and makeup and I said no, I even added that I didn't own any makeup aside from a lip balm. The reaction from those two girls made me want to shoot my face off right then and there but instead of getting all said because they thought it was funny that I had never worn makeup other than for stage performances, I decided to take baby steps.

I started off very small trying out mascara, foundation, concealer and finding my best friend pressed powder. But if I had to say what sparked my interest in makeup it wasn't to fit in, or to stop being bullied or anything like that it was 100% from the enthusiasm and positive community that surrounded the beauty community on the internet. Clearly I learned everything off the internet since nobody in my family wears makeup, even my mum on chucks on the occasional lipstick. This positivity embraced anybody and everybody and it was exactly what I needed and just by trying out products that people mentioned or having a go at an inspired look, I felt apart of something.

I would love to know how you guys got into makeup, because everyone's story is different and stories are awesome.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

FOTD and OOTD - Party Pinks


So what's on mah face:

YestoCucumbers Moisturizer as a Primer

Revlon ColorStay Foundation in 200 Nude

Estee Lauder Disappear Smoothing Creme Concealer in 02 Light

Rimmel Stay Matter Powder in 003 Peach Glow

Maybelline Fit Me Bronzer in Light Bronze to Bronze all over the sides on my face

Etude House Aloha Bronzer to contour my hollows of my cheeks and the sides of my nose

MAC Cheek Powder in My Paradise

TheBalm Mary-loumanizer on cheekbones, cupids bow and nose

Chi Chi Eye Shadow Quad in Showstopper the dark brown shade to fill in my brows and define

Too Faced Shadow Insurance all over lids

Light Pink/Purple shade from Coastal Scents 88 Metal Mania Palette -with just my finger

MAC Paint Pot in Let's Skate in inner tear duct area

Urban Decay Naked Palette shade in Naked in crease and Virgin on brow bone

K Palette Eyeliner Pen

Essence Eyeliner in White

Majolica Majorca Lash Expander Frame Plus Mascara

Maybelline Baby Lips in Berry

Essence Lip Liner in 08 Red Blush

MAC Lipstick in House Wine

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What I'm wearing:

Black and White Zipper Dress from Forever 21

Black Skater Skirt from Target

Coral Wedges from Novo

So this outfit and semi formal makeup look is for my bestie's 19th Birthday party which is tonight but I'm going over this afternoon and thought I would get early extra early so I could share what I was wearing and doing with my makeup with you all. Hope you're all having awesome weekends :D

Friday, 27 September 2013

Songs I love - #SBBC

Songs I love

I've been an avid music listener from a young age and have taken to playing instruments and involving and immersing myself in melodies and harmonies ever since I was born. In case you didn't know, I'm a musician at heart, I still play violin which I've played since I was 4 and have continued to play. Since then I've taken on singing, piano, guitar and clarinet and have tried many more but not many others that I can say I play very well. From this love of making and performing music sprouts my love of listening and collecting music of vice versa. So when people ask me what my favorite song is or a piece I love, it will change constantly, so I've included four songs in today's post, two that are all time favs and two that are current obsessions.

Beside You - Marianas Trench This song got me hooked, It was the first Marianas Trench song I listened to and they are now my favorite band and have been for sometime. Of course I recommend you check them out.

Clair De Lune - Claude Debussy An oldie but a goodie, I fell in love with this song instantly and am still in love with it to this day and hope one day I can learn the full piece on piano. It's captivating and gorgeous, there not much to say other than it's absolutely beautiful

Here are the two songs I'm a little obsessed with at the moment

The Other Side - Tonight Alive I've been in love with Tonight Alive for awhile and was so excited when their new album got released. This would have to be one of my favorite tracks off the new album and I think it's just amazing. (I couldn't find a decent link for it so look it up on spotify, it's worth the listen, so is the entire album)

PTL - Relient K These guys are one of the first bands I was addicted to and have stayed with them since I started high school. There new album just got released and I love there new tone and feel, This particular track is one of my favourites off the album.

What are your favorite songs at the moment or of all time?

Thursday, 26 September 2013

My Beauty History - #SBBC

Beauty History

In the grand scheme of things, there isn't really a history with me and beauty since I'm only 18 years old and I was never allowed to buy my own clothes or wear makeup and I had numerous restrictions on my hair all the way through high school. Therefore, I have little to share other then a handful of experiences.

Hair Experience - Disaster

I'm pretty sure I was 15 and at that point I'd never dyed my hair and was way to scared to do it myself and went out in search of something affordable. I was shopping with my mum when I saw that one of the local hairdressers were having a special on and it was perfect exactly what I wanted. That's what I thought at least. I knew I wanted to go lighter and was hoping they would help turn my dark brunette hair into something a little blonder, I even bought in a picture. Never ever been to a hair dressers before so what was I to expect, I could hardly speak to the lady doing my hair and sat in silence the entire time. In the end it cost more than the advertisement and it looked shit. I had really blonde streaks all through my hair and nothing blended, I was trying to look on the bright side, but looking back, I'm glad I decided to dye it back to a darker brunette color a few months later.

Foundation Matching - Disaster

Nearing my semi formal, I had no makeup (ahhhhh!) and my mum graciously offered to buy me some nice foundation and concealer for the big night. We went into the department store and went over to Estee Lauder's stall and the lady there was very helpful, but unfortunately it wasn't a customer service failure that led to my foundation not matching me, it was indeed the lighting. I was there in the store and all three of us agreed it matched but when I got home it was a noticeably two shades to dark. I lived with it for the semi formal but now I have a gorgeous formulation of foundation that I can't use. I suppose we all learn somehow.

Well this sort of turned into a little bit of a beauty disasters post, but those were two parts of my beauty history that have molded me to make better decisions. When it comes to fashion, I've never had anything bad happen although I do have a little clothing thing that I do that some of my friends find weird. I always wear shorts under my dresses and skirt, they're normally bike pants but I'm so terrified of flashing people that I always wear them.

What have been some of your successes and fails with beauty in the past?

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

NOTD - OPI Significant Other Color

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I repainted my nails tonight and I realized I hadn't shown you guys this amazing shade.  When I bought this I remember not wanting to buy anything that day and when I saw this little beaut, I bought faster then you could say it's name. It has a real unique blend of colors, with purple being the main one, but with hints of green and silver and pink, I cannot express how much I love this shade, it's amazing in sunlight and with all the sun we've had in the last couple of days, it is a must for spring. As always I have Sally Hansen's Dry & Go Drops put on top it make them dry faster and help it last longer.

Shopping Habits - #SBBC

Can I first mention how flippin fast this month has gone, I mean i noticed that I was getting towards the end of the September Beauty Blog Challenge and I was a little taken aback.

Shopping. I love shopping. I would say I'm addicted but on the money I receive as a student, which is little to none, especially if you like eating, shopping gets put on the back burner. To be honest I've hardly bought anything this entire month. I needed new shoes because my old ones were completely worn out and other then a few essentials and birthday presents and did I mention alcohol, I simply can't afford to splurge on the things I really want to.

On the occasion that I actually do shop it will most likely be at a physical shop, I love going to the shops, especially when I'm with friends, the experience is all part of it. I also like the confidence from getting to try on clothes and swatch makeup.

By saying this, it doesn't mean that I don't love online shopping, because boy do I, but since I only recently turned 18 I haven't had much time or money to go crazy. Although I did purchase my first pair of Black Milk leggings today and can't wait for them to arrive, hopefully by the end of the week, will be sure to put a post up on styling and possibly an OOTD. I love the freedom of online shopping and the fact that you're sure to find a bargain, but when it comes to clothes I'm always a little weary since I'm extremely tall and a little curvy and it's near impossible to find clothes in physical shops where I can at least try the clothes on, whereas I can't do that online and I'm so scared of getting excited and spending my precious money on awesome clothes and for them to arrive and not fit or be too short because it definitely wasn't made for a girl as tall as me.

All in All I love shopping and I don't think I will ever not like it, I enjoy the experience and I like turning it into a day or an outing.

What are your shopping habits? Do you prefer getting to try before you buy?

Resolutions - #SBBC

When it came to new year at the end of last year, I realised I had never stuck to any resolutions that I gave myself. Initially I put a lot of pressure on this year to be amazing, since it's been my first year out of highschool and so far so good. It's had it's ups and down, but that's life and I know that. Most people do similar resolutions, as well I change my resolution/goal to get healthier and loose weight maybe ten times a week. The only thing I knew for certain that I wanted to do this year was to take more photos. I started taking just a selfie every single day but then I got bored and decided to not be that boring.


Since getting my new camera, I've been addicted to taking photos and I wish I wasn't so protective of it so I could actually take it to places such as parties, but I'm so scared I'm going to drop it or break it. I feel like I've really met my resolution even though the year isn't over. Also by doing this and sticking to my resolution this year, I know that in the coming years I can try new resolutions with the thought of actually sticking to them.

What were you resolutions for this year? Have you stuck to them?

Monday, 23 September 2013

Versatile Blogger Award


I was kinda blown away when I was nominated for this award by Kate over at The Minted Beauty. If you haven't already checked out her blog, be sure to do that, she's is an amazing blogger as well as person and she also does YouTube videos which are great. I never thought I'd be nominated for this award since I don't think I'm very versatile but I have been working on that and clearly it shows.

So the rules for this award are…

  • Display the award on your blog

  • Mention/link the lovely people who nominated you

  • Nominate another 15 blogs/bloggers who you feel should be given this award

  • Inform them you have nominated them

  • Write 7 facts about yourself

Here are the wonderful 15 Bloggers I've nominated:

  1. girlfridaysbeautyblog

  2. kateflowermaquillage

  3. beauteamoureux

  4. elynnebeauty

  5. ladysapphireblog

  6. ramblingofabeautyblogger

  7. Lyonsnotes

  8. thosestarsthatshine

  9. charmingcheshire

  10. triedandtestedblog

  11. theglittervixen

  12. raspberrykiss

  13. talkingaboutm

  14. missliina

  15. allthingsbeautyandashley

Now I've never done any facts about me so maybe you guys might find these interesting

  • I have a twin sister. We're fraternal, I'm older by 7 minutes.

  • I have double jointed thumbs.

  • I'm really musical and play a number of instruments that I've won awards with. Some of them include singing, piano, violin and guitar.

  • I've never broken a bone but I have put permanent dents in my left leg. One on my ankle and one right in the center of my shin.

  • In case you weren't aware I'm fairly tall, measuring in at 5'11' (i have to tell myself that I'm not 6 feet, I will never believe it haha)

  • Weird trick: I can wiggle my ears, but I can't smile at the same time as doing it.

  • The little mermaid was my favourite childhood movie

There's no such thing as Blurred Lines - #SBBC

I am fully aware that this is not something I normally do but today's theme is a hot topic and there was only one thing that came to my mind from recent conversations with friends in regards to something controversial. Now I'm not directly relating to the song by Robin Thicke but the themes behind the song. Recently I was talking with a friend, who was heavily feminist and I turned to her and said that I wasn't really feminist, since there are so many crazy things that are associated with the title and there are some things I disagreed on with her. I said that the only things that really get my really peeved with society and the male gender is slut shaming and victim blaming. These two things in my mind are compromised by ignorance and arrogance. My views on these two issues become very clear after Robin Thicke's song went viral and it became the conversation with nearly the entire female population.

If you're unaware of what victim blaming is, it's when a girl is raped and instead of the perpetrator being persecuted, said girl is harassed and bullied for 'crying wolf' or 'being a tease' or just lying in general or jesting at the idea that 'she asked for it'. Stories like these make me sick to the gut, I would hate that if anything like that ever happened to one of my friends or family that instead of justice and emotional assistance, they were torn down even more. When it comes to the 'she asked for it' excuse, here's my response. Yes and No are polar opposites; it's either one or the other, there are no blurred lines. A girl isn't asking for it if she kisses a guy. She isn't asking for it if she's flirting. She's not asking for it by the clothes she wears. She's not asking it even if she does other sexual acts. Consent is continual. People are allowed to back out, people are allowed to stop if they're uncomfortable. I recently found this PSA from some women from India where the rape culture is horrendous and very scary and I thought I'd post it since it exemplifies how ignorant some people's line of thought is.

In regard to Slut Shaming, that's when a girl is discriminated against for dressing a certain way or performing certain sexual acts or even just flirting. This particular issue hits me a little too hard, I simply can't get my head around it. I mean i feel like we should be high-fiving our girlfriends when they get laid, not calling them horrible names and degrading them down to a object. Also, the ignorance that lies with this is that girls are allowed to do what they want (as long as they aint hurting anyone) just as much as boys are and should receive the same behavior from their peers. So it baffles me that girls are called sluts, skanks, whores for getting some while guys can sleep with numerous people and get called heroes. I feel like it's a huge injustice within society.

I'll cut it there since I didn't want to rant too much, although it's hard since I am passionately angered by the issue. I know a lot of people make blogs and videos about how bad this culture is and they just get lost in the crowd, and I feel that mine is just another one of those but hopefully something will change or gradually people as a whole will become less ignorant.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Perfume Highlight - #SBBC


When I saw the topic for today's post, there was no hesitation, there was only one perfume that came to mind. I picked this up at PINK when I was in the states and continued to use it for the entirety of the time I was overseas. Now whenever I spritz this on my body I can remember countless hotel rooms, the excitement of New York City and Times Square, the anticipation that came with each of my performance with my choir while I was there and all the friends and memories associated with that trip. Since the trip was so amazing being taken back through a simple action such as putting on perfume is mind blowing and simply wonderful.

Sorry for such a short post, there will be more up tomorrow so stay tuned.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

My Precious, My Paradise - #SBBC

Okay there's only three posts today because I was so busy yesterday, I swear this will be the last one of the day. Today's SBBC post is themed 'Shop my stash' with a caption referencing to feature a product that I tend to forget about or haven't used recently. When I think of something I don't use frequently my mind goes straight to my limited edition blush by MAC that I hardly ever use, even though it was expensive.

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My thought process behind hardly using this product is broken down into two parts. The first being that I don't want to waste it, since it is limited edition and was a little exey and I know I'm not the only person who does this. Who buys a product knowing it's expensive but swears they'll use it all the time and then never does because you don't want to ever be without it. I'm certain I'm not alone. The second part is, look at that flower, I really don't want to loose the gorgeous flower but it's inevitable, as you can see it's already starting to fade. If you hadn't guess from the title, the name of the blush is My Paradise. :)

Bright Pink Lipstick Day - Inglot 194

In case you didn't know, yesterday, 20th September, was Bright Pink Lipstick Day which is a day that encourages both men and women to wear a bright pink lipstick shade to raise awareness for breast and ovarian cancer.

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Excuse the duck face, but I wanted to flaunt how pink this lipstick is. Although I love this shade of pink, I find it a little drying but nonetheless a gorgeous shade and the wear is amazing, I didn't really need to reapply all day. I've added a swatch of the lipstick below.

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I really liked the idea of this day since wearing a bright pink lipstick isn't an overall difficult thing to do and it only takes one person to start to raise awareness. For example, I rocked up to my friends place last night who I had talked about Bright Pink Lipstick Day and although she couldn't wear it at work she quickly went and popped on some bright color. And now that that's only two people wearing pink lipstick but there's always more people talking then doing. Here's a video from Pink Hope about the day and if you missed it this year, remember to check it for next year.

What's in My Shower? Soap Edition - #SBBC

So I feel terrible, I haven't missed a day of this challenge at all and I had all intentions of doing this yesterday but the last couple of days I've been down with a horrible cold and feeling a little bit better, I went and hung out with my friends last night, and I ran out of time at home to write a post. Today's theme or should I say yesterday's theme, was what's in your handbag/shower/purse etc and since I change my bag every time I go out since I go to uni, so I thought I would go with shower and then trailing off from that since I share a shower with my family soooooooooo on this thought, I have What's in My Shower, Soap Edition featuring Soap & Glory Foam Call.

foamcall_nsgI've been using this shower wash for quite some time now and I do have some pros and cons. I do have to say on a side note that the puns all over the packaging still gives me a little giggle now and then, it's so adorably cute.


- The scent is gorgeous, the first time I smelt it I likened it to a pina colada (without the alcohol smell) scent and I was in love. It has neither pineapple or coconut so I don't know how I got there but I still love it.

- I feel so incredibly clean after using this product, which you would think is the outcome and I'm practically stating that the intended outcome occurs.

- It foams up amazing and works great with a loofah,  and I just love all the bubbles, which sounds a little childish but it's bath time, so bubbles it will be.


- I only have one con for this shower wash and it kinda falls off the second pro of feeling exceptionally clean, which is great but it's the squeaky type pf clean and I prefer my washs/gels/soaps to give a little moisture and I feel like nearly all most of the moisture is taken out of my skin from this wash. That might but a little of an overreaction but if you get what I mean by being 'squeaky' clean in a bad way then you'll catch my drift.

Love to know what soap your using, there is always something interesting that someone else is using.

Thursday, 19 September 2013


So I know most people who are doing the September beauty blog challenge and are doing today's post about storage will probably talk about how they store their makeup. My makeup is stored in a little more unconventional way; it's stored in various makeup bags in a large drawer in my desk. There is some organization to it though, the bags are organized from most frequently used to lesser used items, and therefore I find it incredibly easy to find things. Today's focus, however is not on makeup storage but the new addition to my room which caters for the storage and organization of many things, it's my new cube bookcase.


I'd been wanting a bookcase for awhile since my collection had grown and no longer could fit in the limited space I was storing them in. I also needed somewhere better to store my perfumes and hand creams, since they were literally consuming my desk and a change was needed. The bookcase cost be around $50 dollars from Officeworks, and I have to say that it was the easiest thing I've even built in my life, although I got help from my mum, it was so stress free and we had it done in under an hour.



This is my nail polish collection and I attempted to organize it by most used but it got a little scrambled. Although my collection isn't too big, there is a whole lot of room to improve and build it. Before I had the bookcase my nail polishes were stored in a very pretty box that was on my desk and I have to say that this is an improvement since now I can maneuver around the polishes easier and see the color better then getting a horrible mouthful of nail polish odor when opening my box.

IMG_0399Now this isn't all my perfumes and hand creams, but the ones that took up space on my desk and boy is it an improvement. They used to be placed right on the edge of my desk and I was always tipping them over, so this is a wonderful compromise.

So that's what's new in storage with me. Storage and organization is a big deal for me since I live in a ridiculously small room and have next to no space to work with and this new bookcase has kinda of been a life saver and plus it makes my room look really nice and a whole lot girlier. What are you storage and organization favorites?

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

10 Desert Island Items - #SBBC

So in this scenario, all my makeup was taken and I can only repurchase ten items, crazy right? I think so. I'm not quite sure what the guidelines are with this like do I get to keep my brushes, is a palette allowed or only single shades? I dunno maybe I'm breaking all the rules, but let's go with it. I'll attempt not to go into full review mode and give a short quick sentence as to why I would repurchase these items.10 Desert Island Items

Rimmel Stay Matte Powder - As you all know, I flippin' love this powder and I would probably say it's the best one I've used, even go as far to say that it's better then my MAC pressed powder.

Estee Lauder Disappear Smoothing Creme Concealer or MAC Studio Finish Concealer - Clearly I can't make my mind up, I love both of these concealers and they both last a long time, both on the face and in the packaging, and plus great coverage. As you can see (or not see which angle you want to take) The MAC one has been completely exhausted, from love of course.

Revlon Colorstay Foundation - If I'm purchasing powder and concealer then I've got light to medium coverage covered, now for full coverage I don't think I'll stray from this foundation.

Urban Decay Naked Palette - Does this even need reasoning? I think not.

Maybelline Fit Me Bronzer in Light Bronze - Perfect light bronze to the face, I could rave about this product all day, from here to Timbuktu, but all in all this a great bronzer to add just that little bit of glow.

MAC Lipstick in House Wine - I know I've mentioned this before, but the color is perfect and easily buildable.

Nivea Lip Shine in Strawberry - Moisturizing with a tint of color, yes please, Love this little baby.

Maxfactor Flawless Perfection Blush in Classic Rose  - Believe or not this was the first blush I ever owned, I got it for a present and then never used it and now, I practically use it every day, I find the shade very complementing to my skin tone

Covergirl Clump Crusher Mascara - We need a mascara in this mix and my current favourite is this little beauty, so it's going on the list.

Maybelline Eye studio Gel Eyeliner - Amazing eyeliner, can go from simple and slim to HOLY MACKEREL EYELINER, did I mention amazing?

Those are my 10 desert island items that I would repurchase if all my makeup was taken, stolen, burnt in some crazy person's fire. I think it's a pretty good selection and would definitely help on getting my collection back on it's feet. Now, I'm very curious to know what you guys would repurchase at the dreadful thought that all you makeup was gone, so let me know :)

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

FOTD - Winged Eyeliner - #SBBC

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Didn't want to do anything too extravagant since I'm just heading to the shops to do groceries and then off to uni, but I haven't done a winged eyeliner look in a while and thought I'd calm the nerves by giving it another go.

So here's the sitch:

Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation in 130 Shell

Estee Lauder Disappear Smoothing Creme Concealer in 02 Light

Revlon Nearly Naked Powder Foundation in 010 Fair

Maybelline FIT me Bronzer in Light Bronze

Maxfactor Flawless Perfection Blush in 220 Classic Rose

NARS Lighter Cream shadow from Misfit Duo all over lid

Urban Decay Naked Palette shadow in Naked in crease

Essence Eyeliner Pen in Black

Covergirl Clump Crusher Mascara

Nivea Fruity Shine Strawberry Lip Balm

As you can see not too many products, I was going for simple and elegant, and side note, I love the Nivea Fruity Shine Lip Balm, it's perfect, it moisturizers and gives color as well!

Monday, 16 September 2013

Things I Love - #SBBC

I thought I'd do the lifestyle post today (and probably tomorrow) since I did an August Wishlist and well due to my lack of funds being a fresh out of high school, uni student. Most of my money goes to either saving for bigger things, nights out or you know, eating. So instead of doing the wishlist I'd thought I'd share with you some of the things I love, I'm gonna stray away from beauty things since, I'm pretty sure I cover that in my monthly favorites.

As some of you might know from reading my life updates, just over a month ago my boyfriend and I broke up and as much as it was sad, I've used it as a positive to concentrate on myself and where my life is heading. So one of the things I love right now is life, and there are two main reasons why I love it right now, Katie and Caitlyn (yeah we all kinda have similar names it's a little strange). I doubt they know how amazing they are but they have made my life full of excitement and I am truly blessed to have these two wonderful ladies in my life. Just the little ways that they include me, make me way too happy, and I cherish all the time I get to spend with them.

Secondly, I've been loving the fact that I've been taking better care of myself, being vigilant with my skincare routine has made me super happy, just being comfortable in my own skin is certainly a first and I'm loving it! In regards to skincare I will defs mention the Yes To Cucumbers Moisturizer, I'm in love with that little beaut. Also being vigilant with my nails and hair has made a big difference to my life, cause I get to feel nice most of the time.

Since making one of the biggest purchases of my life I've been extremely happy, I absolutely love my new camera, which I did get specifically for this blog but I hope to venture into the world of YouTube in the near future. My camera is a Canon Powershot SX50 HS, it's beautiful.

Last but definitely not least. I LOVE blogging! Everything about it I love. The community, writing posts, drawing inspiration and reading everyone else's posts. I really feel like I've popped into some special world where everything is amazing, I just love the atmosphere and the euphoric feelings I get from being apart of something unique.

Those are just a few of the things I love, I mean I love a lotta stuff! What are some of the things you love?

NOTD - Rimmel 430 Coralicious

IMG_0367Absolutely love this shade, it looks way too orange on the camera but it is just a beautiful coral pink color on the nails. I love that this is such a quick drying formation and the brush is amazing, I get my nails done so fast when I use this brand of polish. I also really like this shade for spring, but the whether has been so unpredictable, I mean all last week it was so flippin' hot and I wake up to it pissing down rain, I mean what the hell, right? Nonetheless, love corals and pinks for spring.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Beauty Things I Suck At TAG - #SBBC

I've seen so many people on YouTube this and was gonna get around to it eventually, so I'm so glad I can do it for the SBBC. I find this TAG so nice to read and watch, since it's so wonderful to relate to people with some of the things that are hard to do. Now as you all know I've relatively a beginner in the beauty world and well I suppose that brings out a lot of the things that I'm bad at, but as a begin to compile a list there wasn't that many, which did make me smile.

Mascara - Doing mascara I'm perfectly capable of, it's avoiding getting it on my nose and my eyelids. I am quite blessed and already have really long lashes and well sometimes it makes mascara really annoying to do. On a regular basis I will get mascara marks on my eyelids and on the bottom of my brows. To top it off I always without doubt, think it's a good option to get rid of it with my finger and end up getting black smudges in places I don't want them.

Eyeliner - This is pretty self explanatory. Although I do have to emphasize how bad I was to begin with. I couldn't work out how to get eyeliner on my upper lash line and every time, regardless of what type of eyeliner I could never get a straight line. So what did I do...PRACTICE! I've practiced doing eyeliner on so many occasions and it helps so goddamn much, I still can't get my head around liquid eyeliner, but every other form I have nearly nailed. I can do cat eyes! (Which is such a massive achievement from all the practice, the first time I did it decent I walked around the house showing everyone for hours, multiple times, I was so proud) Getting both eyes symmetrical is my main concern now I always stuff it up, mostly when I try anything from just a basic cat-eye.

Hair Styling - I honestly have no patience when it comes to my hair, I've never like the texture of my hair and the only 'styling' that I do is straightening. I can do a few different types of buns and braids which for me are so flippin' simple but I still have people asking me how to do them. Also in regards with hair, with all the straightening, I loose all the volume and then when I try to add some, I fail miserably.

Nail Polish - Working with nail polish is similar to that of eyeliner and when I started doing my nails, I could never get them perfect and the only thing that helped was practice. Now the thing that I absolutely suck with when it comes to nails, is waiting for them to dry. I can never do it, and therefore comes my addiction to speed drying top coats. I cannot number the amount of times I've done a perfect manicure then fucked it up by doing my hair with bobby pins, starting playing piano or even typing furiously.

Well those are the beauty things I suck at, I'd love to hear what yours are?

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Where I Get My Inspiration - #SBBC

InspoI'm gonna be very honest. My inspiration for literally anything comes from my fellow bloggers, instagramers and numerous YouTube beauty gurus. I tend to hoard images of makeup looks to gather inspirations. I find that with people who are posting on the internet are far better inspiration (for me at least) than celebrities since, I can gather a sense of familiarity, and that they are a real person who shares the same interests as me, which I find easier to relate from to draw inspiration. The four lovely ladies I've pictured are wellknown YouTubers, (Saturdaynightalrite, TheBeautyVault, Shaanxo, Zoella). I also look to the subreddit, Makeup Addiction, there are some amazing and talented people out there and getting to see their work is just amazing.

Where do you get your inspiration?

Friday, 13 September 2013

DIY Tinted Moisturizer - #SBBC

DIY Tinted MoisturizerThis is fairly self-explanatory, I sincerely couldn't think of anything DIY Beauty other than my brush cleaning method which is featured here, an then I thought about my own way of making tinted moisturizer, since I don't own any. I would definitely recommend not using a really heavy moisturizer because it might make your skin really shiny and unless you're normal to dry skin, that's a real problem. You really don't need to use very much foundation at all. In regards to actually mixing the two products, i normally put both on the back of my hand then combine together with a foundation brush of some sort.

I'm fairly new at making little graphics like this and I want to know your opinion. What do you think of them and do you prefer them to me posting photographs?

Thursday, 12 September 2013

A Beginner's Guide to Eyeliner- #SBBC

IMG_0361 When it comes to eyeliners there are so many options, and when I was a real beginner, I was so confused, they all seemed to do the same thing, just all differently. So why not take advantage of today's SBBC topic which is a comparison and compile a little beginner's guide to set them all out, as well as some pointers and some pros and cons.

  1. Pencil Eyeliner (Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencil in Zero Pictured) - Pencil eyeliners are brilliant to work with and I particularly love this one since it applies perfectly and gives the blackest black payoff. The are great to use for smokey eye looks, for example you can line your upper lash line then smudge with either a brush or your finger and voila, a smokey eye. I find it near impossible to create a wing with pencil eyeliners, especially with this one since it has a very creamy consistency.

  2. Crayon Eyeliner (Physician's Formula Black Eyeliner for Brown Eyes Pictured) - I cannot stress how amazing crayon eyeliners are. When I was starting out sometimes I didn't like the occasional harshness that I got with a pencil eyeliner and invested in a MAC crayon eyeliner and fell in love. They are so easy to apply and clearly don't need to be sharpened. I really like using crayon eyeliners for the upper lash line but I would have to emphasize how great the work on the waterline and lower lash line. I would say the only con is that again, it is hard to create a wing with crayon eyeliners.

  3. Felt Tip or Pen Eyeliner (Essence Eyeliner Pen Pictured) - Okay guys, let me calm down, I own wayyyy too many eyeliner pens. Once I discovered the amazingness which is the eyeliner pen, I kinda lost my shit. When I was starting out with makeup, I was having such a problem with lining my upper lash line and trying to learn how to do a wing (I'm aware I'm not the only person who had this learning curve.) These were my saviour! I find that I get a hell more stability with an eyeliner pen since I can hold it closer to the end whereas I can't do that with liquid eyeliner. My tip is to try and get an idea of how thick the pen is and also the density, because some pens can be extremely thin and flexible whereas some are stiff and thick.

  4. Liquid Eyeliner (NYX Liquid Eye Liner in 01 Black Pictured) - I've never had a good experience with liquid eyeliner, but I still wanted to try it out. I know that eventually with practice I will be able to get the hang of it but i really like the stability that I get with eyeliner pens. I would say the pro of liquid eyeliner is that the payoff and precision (if you can do it!) is absolutely spectacular and looks super duper professional. A con is probably that it is difficult to learn that there isn't any room to smudge and create a smokey eye.

  5. Last but not least, Gel Eyeliner (Maybelline Eye Studio Gel Eyeliner in Blackest Black Pictured) - Gel eyeliners are amazing, beginners listen up! The application process is so flippin' simple, I was blown away. This product in particular comes with a brush, that I personally don't like but I have friends who do like it. I do recommend an angled brush for better precision. It is so easy to build gel liner and creating a nice little wing doesn't become a complete stress meltdown.

I hope that was a decent introduction to the wonderful world to eyeliner, my one big tip is to practice. I mean I still kinda suck at eyeliner but compared to a year or even a few months ago, I've improved heaps, just from practice and getting comfortable with what sort you like best. What's you're favourtie type of eyeliner? What ones do you want to try out?

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Ohh Kaye.....Now where did it come from? - #SBBC

Today when I got home from uni, I realised that I didn't really want to do the beauty post for SBBC and opted for the lifestyle one and also I think it's good to break it up a little.

When I was thinking of a name for my blog, I didn't spend hours, days or weeks, it kinda just came upon me. I knew that I wanted to start a blog, one that was mainly focused on beauty related things, but I also wanted to set it up to allow for actual life blogging.

Now I don't know if you've ever been in that scenario when you're explaining something to someone or telling them a story and their reaction is an elongated okay. Yeah that's where it came from. Not from the word okay, but a combination of okay and my name, Kaitlyn. I've never been one for nicknames, because i mean there was already a heap of kates and katies, I just wasn't one of them. But I do like the idea of shortening my name on screen and I do like how Kai, looked but I was aware that it was a guy name! So I went with mixing the expression of an elongated okay with a shortened and fairly unique version of my name. I like that it's simple, and I hope it has come across that you do indeed pronounce it as 'okay'.

I later realised after I started to blog that it was a really neat name, and I've really fallen in love with it, because it kinda forces me and motivates me to put the effort and energy into my posts to make them the best quality, one because it's got my name in the title and it's also a decent bench line standard, aka everything has gotta be okay.

Hope that was a decent explanation, if you have any questions, feel free to ask, I'm not shy and I won't bite.....much :)

P.S. THANK YOU A MILLION!!!!! I know I am so very knew and I want to thank the 50 people who are now following my blog, I plan to do a giveaway when I reach 100, so stay tuned.

Shoes & Shorts Haul

IMG_0357 DSCN0185

Boy did need new shoes, you should've seen how far I had gone with my very dead and destroyed shoes! So yesterday I decided to go shopping and pick up some new flats and when I found these at Novo for $25 I was so happy and then I was even more over the moon when the cashier said I could get another pair of shoes for $10, so naturally I picked up these gorgeous coral wedges, which in my opinion are perfect for spring and summer. Then I ventured over to Factorie and I mean, elephant printed short!!!!! How could I possibly say no.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Beauty Pet Peeves - #SBBC

Well this is so very broad. Since getting myself educated in the world of makeup and beauty, I tend to pick on somethings. Sometimes good and can appreciated peoples' efforts in greater detail but on the whole there are some very not so admired beauty elements. I will condense this to the top three things that peeve me.

Way Too Much Bronzer or Fake Tan

bronzerNow this isn't a great example, but this is what I see when girls (or even guys with really bad fake tans) load up their face and neck with bronzer or get a fake tan that is way too fake. The number of people that go from a piece of paper to a Jamaican national is way too many, I can name over a handful of girls who 'experimented' with fake tans during middle school and turned into temporary oompa loompas. When it comes to bronzer, for the everyday, try and find a bronzer that will complement your skin tone and remember to blend and work with your face shape.

Foundation shade doesn't match neck 


Once again not a good example but I heard from an ad campaign by Estee Lauder, that over 80% of women are wearing the wrong shade of foundation. I can personally say that I am one part of that percentage, at one point I did where the wrong shade. It looks bad, firstly, it's not you and the purpose of foundation is to smooth out skin and perfect the imperfections, not change your heritage. The best thing is to test out shades, find out your undertone, whether it is cool or warm. Also when swatching foundations test it on your jawline so you can see the difference between your next and face and also match for your neck so that everything blends together.

Messy Lipstick

lipstick_web2This would have to be my biggest pet peeve, people who have applied they lipstick too heavily, gone out of the natural shape of their lips or have overdrawn their lips. Personally, I find this very unattractive and it just looks messy, especially when working with bright or dark lip shades. Instead of overdrawing your lips go for a darker lip liner then applied a slightly lighter lipstick and they will look fuller. Now I'm not saying that slighting overdrawing your lips is bad but going over the top, well yea, that's not a good look.

Those were my top three beauty pet peeves, these are my opinions and I know that some of you might not agree but this is what peeves me off and therefore from my perspective. What are your beauty pet peeves?

Monday, 9 September 2013

Pop in some Color - #SBBC

Cropped basic eye look

This is as basic as eye looks go, I literally chucked on some of the MAC Paint Pot in Lets Skate! all over the lid then got a crease brush and placed some light brown shade all around the crease area. I love doing this just for everyday, but what if I wanna spruce it up with some color. My favorite way of adding color is through the use if eyeliners and eye shadows on the upper lash line. The pro is that it is very subtle but still that little bit of color to make an eye pop and the only con is that if you're a color lover that the lack of color might be underwhelming.

Cropped Color Look

It also makes a huge difference to pop some white eyeliner on the bottom waterline to make those poppers shine and look bigger than they actually are. I recommend purple for every eye color, but especially for brown and green eyed folks, because it sure does make a subtle statement. The eye shadows that I used to make that purple color were Fishnet and Ransom by Urban Decay.

I think the idea with adding color is to have fun, go with colors that you like and that compliment your eye color and skin tone. When adding color try not to go overboard (unless that is the purpose) and add in some neutrals to soften the look.

Now for a smug look for you guys.


Sunday, 8 September 2013

Maintaining Healthy Hair - #SBBC

IMG_0330Everyone's hair is different and therefore everyone's method of maintaining healthy hair is different. I have struggled with my frizzy hair for years and continue to do so, and it got to the point where I thought that my hair wasn't healthy because it was also frizzy and/or wavy. I did learn that I could maintain healthy hair though and that having straight hair isn't what makes it healthy; more of a,"it's whats on the inside that counts" sort of deal. So here are my tips to maintaining healthy locks:

  • Wash your hair - Okay this is the most simple thing to put here but I've been surprised how many people I know who only use shampoo and don't see the point of conditioner and people who never frequently wash their. For me over the past year I changed from washing my hair once or twice a week to every other day, and the difference is spectacular, my hair always feels amazing. And when it comes to the importance of conditioner, think of it this way, think of shampoo being some sort of disinfectant that cleans hair and gets rid of all the nastys and conditioner puts all the goodness back in, things that add to shine and softness.

  • Protect your hair - If you're like me and addicted to straightening your hair or curling, you need to protect your hair. I'm currently using the Tresemme Heat Tamer Protective Spray and it's brilliant, I mean if you're spending money on shampoo and conditioner and maybe even treatments, you may as well protect your investment.

  • Look for Ingredients -  Now we all know that there are some certain ingredients in hair products that are particularly good for your hair and here are a few:

  1. Moroccan Oil - This particular oil is amazing as a serum (as pictured above) it moisturizes hair, reduces frizz, increases hair shine and offer UV protection.

  2.  Argan oil is able to help hydrate the hair in a natural way. It is able to stop the fly away of hair, the curliness and also the roughness of the hair in a natural and efficient way. It also contains Vitamin E which helps in repairing damaged hair.

  3. Keratin - Helps to soften and smooth hair while also repairing damage to the hair.

  4. Macadamia Oil - Another wonder oil which is great for eliminating frizz and detangling.

  • I personally love Moroccan Argan Oil Formulations and feel that they help quite efficiently with controlling my frizz and creating shine.

What are your hair secrets?

Saturday, 7 September 2013

My go-to products for spring


Yes, spring is officially here, with the weather actually fitting the month, and to celebrate the fine weather and all the lovely things that spring brings, I thought I would share with you some of my go tos. The reason I knew that these three products were my go-tos were because when I did today's SBBC post these were the first things I thought of and kinda based the look around them. I wouldn't say that these are spring essentials but they definitely fit the season.

L'Oreal Open Eyes Pro in Pink Maniac

IMG_0327This palette is very nice, although they aren't particularly pigmented, they are quite buildable and when trying to create a softer look the opacity goes a long way. The second shade from the right is very sheer but a very nice base shade, since it is very neutral. The darkest shade looks brown but turns out more of a black shade when it's on the lid, which is great for turning a soft daytime look into a nighttime smokey eye look.

NARS Blush in Orgasm


NARS does such a beautiful job with their pigmentation and I have to be very careful because sometimes I can put too much on! But I love this blush, the golden shimmery undertones help with giving a youthful glow to the cheeks.

Revlon Colorburst Lipstick in 075 Peach


Peach toned pinks have to be one of my favorite shades for spring, they are gorgeous and perfect for everyday. I particularly love this shade by Revlon and the formula is brilliant, I feel that I get my lips moisturized while getting great color payoff and a long lasting finish.

Those are my go to products for the start of spring, What are yours?


Spring Pinks FOTD - #SBBC

Spring Look


With today's post for the September Beauty Blog Challenge being, a makeup look, I decided to embrace the fact that it's spring and the weather, although unpredictable, is getting very lovely here in Brisbane. Now, I've been a little sick the last couple of days which has sucked and continues to but I thought I would still go to the effort of putting together a spring themed look. I'm so glad I did, way more fun then sitting in bed just being sick.

When it comes to spring I'm a little obsessed with pinks so I took that and put it all together in this look, whilst trying to keep it very day-to-day wearable. So in case you were wondering here's what's on my face:

Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation in 130 Shell
Estee Lauder Disappear Smoothing Creme Concealer in 02 Light
Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation in 010 Fair
Etude House Aloha Bronzer for Contouring and Bronzer
NARS Orgasm Blush on the apples of my cheeks
The Balm Mary-Lou Manizer on my upper cheekbone and nose
Too Faced Shadow Insurance all over eyelid
Essence Eyeliner in 04 White, put this all over my eyelid then blended with my ring finger
L'Oreal Open Eyes Pro in Pink Maniac Palette - Used shade A (which is a light pink) all over my lid, then focused shade B (which is a slightly darker pink) on the center and edger on the eyelid
Urban Decay Naked Palette - On a fluffy brush I put the shade Naked all over my crease. With a pencil brush i took the shade Smog and put this in my crease and on my lower lash line then blended away. Grabbing an angled eyeliner brush i took the shade Gunmetal and lightly lined my upper lash line. Taking the shade Virgin I used this as a inner eye, tear duct and brow highlight.
Covergirl Clump Crusher Mascara
Maybelline Baby Lips in Berry
Revlon Colorburst Lipstick in 075 Peach

I absolutely love peach lips for spring and can't wait to be wearing this shade more often. I'm planning on doing a Spring go to products post later this afternoon, so stay tuned.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Staple Items - #SBBC

While I'm not a big fan of repurchasing the same item (unless I'm in love) because I just love trying out new products, I realised there a few things that I tend to repurchase before or just after I've run out.

General Staple Items


  • Swisspers Makeup Pads - These are pretty amazing and there isn't very much of a price difference between these and homebrand ones. I do feel like these live up to their claim of not leaving any messy fibers.

  • Sally Hansen Quick Drying Top Coats - I'm generalizing this, even though in the picture I have the Dry & Go Drops, because literally the second I ran out of the InstaDry bottle I went and picked this up purely because it was on special. Both products are amazing and I know for a fact that I will be grabbing a new bottle in the coming weeks.

Bath Staple:


  • The Body Shop Bath Puff - I got one of these for Christmas over a year ago and when I noticed it had started to go bad I went straight back to The Body Shop and bought another one.

Makeup Staple:


  • Pressed Powders - If there is one makeup item that i can not let myself run out of, it is pressed powders. I may be a little obsessed with them, but that doesn't matter. These three are the ones that are in circulation at the moment, but there have been many come and go through this house


What are your staple items?

Thursday, 5 September 2013

#SBBC - Faves and Fails: Makeup Removers

When it comes to makeup removers I don't put that much energy into taking off my makeup, which is bad I know, but in regards to products who's main purpose is to remove makeup, I sincerely haven't tried that many. Believe it or not though I do have at least one fave and one fail. Let's start with the fail:

Majolica Majorca Eyes Resent Gel




There is only one reason why this is a fail and not a fave and that is consistency. The fact that it is in gel form is annoying and extremely messy and I've just a very poor experience with it. It does remove makeup superbly but it gets very messy and irritates my eyes. I had one massive fail with this product quite recently, where I was trying a look out at home and was removing my makeup, like a good girl, and put some on a makeup remover pad and ensured that it had sunken in properly and then applied to my eyes and then after removing the makeup i opened my eye and the gel had seeped down my eyelashes and coated all over my eye. It was not fun. EEK!

Now a fave, Simple Cleansing Facial Wipes


These are perfect, I have repurchased them on many occasions and will continue to do so, plain and simple, they get the job done without irritating my skin and eyes. They are really refreshing and alongside my nighttime skincare routine all my makeup comes off fine and nothing gets hurt. I do have a real problem with sensitive eyes so these are perfect.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

#SBBC - Favourite Handcreams


In the recent year, I've kinda become obsessed with handcreams and I although I don't have too many here are some of my favourites.

  • Soap & Glory Hand Food - There is a lot of hype surrounding this product and I fell under peer pressure and bought it. I do enjoy this product and the smell and consistency is great.

  • Kimmidoll Jasmine and Green Tea - Now if you saw the post about what I got for my birthday then you saw that this is a very recent addition but holy crap the consistency is great and the scent is very fresh and plus the size is so convenient that I can just chuck it in my purse. I am currently in love with this product.

  • Victoria's Secret Body Lotion in Bombshell - When I went to the states last year I picked up the Bombshell collection so the perfume, shower gel and the body lotion and well I love the scent and the consistency is good and melts in fairly easily, the smell is my favourite thing about this product.

  • MOR Hand Cream in Lychee Flower - Now this isn't actually mine, it's my sister's, but when I'm in town for a long time I always go into Myer or David Jones and use this particular product (I don't know why I haven't bought it yet!). The smell is amazing and melts straight into your hands. The entire MOR range is beautiful and the packaging is so elegant and feminine. I also really like their marshmallow scented range.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

#SBBC- My Travel Makeup Bag

IMG_0268 Travel Makeup

When I go traveling I try and not take to much makeup, which is always a lie but since I am going over to a friends place tonight I thought I'd share with you what makeup I normally take with me when I'm not sleeping at my place and have to go out the next day. First, you can see the gorgeous ArtsCow bag that I got for .99c and I got Belle printed on it, I love these little bags so much and I always get my friends fangirling over them. Next we have the makeup, these are kind of the essentials.

  1. Kabuki Brush - I like bringing this to apply my powder especially if I decide not wear foundation since it makes the coverage very easily buildable.

  2. Maybelline One by One Volume Express Mascara - Mascara adds a little something something to basic looks so I never go traveling with out one...or two

  3. Maybelline Dream Lumi Concealer - This concealer is perfect for traveling, I have found, since it is a pen concealer and therefore there is no need to bring a concealer brush.

  4. See by Chloe Travel Perfume - Now this is just a sample but I love wearing perfume and I have a few small travel ones to switch up, also using the rollerblade ones is a good travel idea.

  5. Maybelline Fit Me Bronzer in Light Bronze - This isn't particularly an essential but in recent months it has become an essential for me, when I am traveling I do use the little brush that is included and with my kabuki I can blend it out.

  6. Revlon Nearly Naked Pressed Powder - Taking powder with me is a must-have I don't think i even go out without bringing a pressed powder!

  7. Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation - This provides a light to medium and buildable coverage so it perfect for traveling!

  8. K Pallete Real Long Lasting Eyeliner - This is by far the easiest eyeliner to use and it I want to spruce up my look adding a little bit of liner is the way to go.

  9. MAC Lipstick in House Wine - This is my favorite lipstick so I always chuck this in my makeup bag wherever I'm going.

  10. MAC Paint Pot in Rubenesque - Rubensque is a golden shade and is very long lasting and a perfect way to add a little bit of colour on your eyes when you're on the go.

  11. Etude House Blush in 05 - I love taking this blush with me when I'm traveling because it comes with the little puff and therefore there is no need to bring another brush

Some other essentials:

  • Lip Balm

  • Hand Cream

  • Deodorant (especially if you're going away for more than one night)

Now depending on how long I'm going away the more I'll bring but this is what I take when I'm going away for the night and have to go out the next day.