The day was jam-packed with social meetings, more so for me than my sister who unfortunately had to spend her night studying for an exam the following morning and had to postpone her party till tonight. First off we dropped my brother at school and it was kinda sad that he couldn't have the day off but it was really lovely to spend the day with just the girls. Making our way from his school we stopped by Roberto's Cheesecakes in Springwood and if you've never heard of them, well, there's not enough words to describe how heavenly these cheesecakes are. Myself, personally had been wanting the caramel one for a really long time but it was a little pricey so mum always protested until yesterday. Since my sister isn't a big fan of caramel we ordered a half passion fruit and half caramel cheesecake, as pictured above. Now the three of us weren't going to just go back home an eat cheesecake, no no no, we drove over to my grandma's, who was eagerly awaiting the arrival of the cheesecakes. It was so lovely to spend some time with my grandma and I'm not sure how the VMAs came into topic but her reaction to Miley Cyrus was priceless.
After the heavenly divine cheesecakes and coffee we drove over to Southbank for lunch at Aquitaine, a little french restaurant on the river. We had got there a little early but the restaurant staff were fine with letting us get settled in. After staring at the menu for at least 20 mins we finally ordered, I got a salmon pizza with pomme frites (fries), complementary wine and it was gorgeous. Everything was perfect. The weather, the people, the food.
When lunch ended it officially became "my" birthday and not "our" birthday, and i started to meet up with my friends to begin our nighttime adventures. Now I'll keep this sweet, so I met up with two of my male friends in the city at roughly 2pm and then we just chilled in the city as I worked off lunch. At around four we went and bought some drinks and headed to Katie's place for the pre-party. When we got there we just chatted and ate chocolate and I also convince Katie's roommate, Caitlyn to come out with us that night, which she did and enjoyed thoroughly. People arrived at the pre-party and as it neared seven we had some dinner then met up with everyone else in the city. We basked in the excitement of Queen Street on a Friday night and watched a magician and took our time to walk to the Port Office Hotel, where we started drinking. Later in the night we decided to go dancing and moved over to The Exchange Hotel and we stayed there for the rest of the night, until about 1am when my mum picked Josh and I up. I intelligently stayed up a little later to drink a water bottle and as i did so, introduced Ferris Bueller to Josh (I couldn't believe he hadn't seen it).
The day and night was more than I could ever ask for and I cannot thank my friends enough for giving me the best present of all, which was their company. I will love that night for the rest of my life and I doubt I will ever forget it and the people I spent it with.